Starting today - SuperSwap is now the first token aggregator that rewards users with token rewards on every swap.

Every swap on SuperSwap now comes with:

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How are WEN, ACS, and DRAKO Token Rewards distributed?

WEN and ACS Token Rewards are displayed in your AssetDash account immediately after your swap and can be tracked in your Rewards Tracker (seen screenshots below).

<aside> 💡 You can withdraw your WEN by filling out this form.

You can withdraw your ACS by filling out this form.

You can withdraw your DRAKO by filling out this form.

The minimum withdrawal limit is 400,000 WEN or 5,000 ACS or 20,000,000 DRAKO.

You will now accumulate WEN, ACS, and DRAKO on every swap and can withdraw once you meet the minimum!

An automated token withdrawal system is in place and expected to be out shortly. This system will automatically send tokens to your wallet once you meet the minimum.


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Will other tokens be added as Rewards to SuperSwap?


We plan on adding more tokens regularly to continue to enhance your rewards experience.