
We take a 10% commission from every sale we directly bring you. We only make money - when you make money through DashDeals.

For Shopify Stores, it’s all upside.

We designed DashDeals this way as we believe this is the best way to align incentives between our members, our product, and you - our partnered stores.

The Full Process:

  1. As a Shopify Store Owner → download the DashDeals Shopify App and create deals directly from your Shopify Admin. This only takes a few minutes.
  2. This process creates a set of DashDeals coupon codes that are automatically shared with us (AssetDash / DashDeals). You also have the ability to track these coupon codes in your Shopify DashDeals Admin Panel.
  3. We distribute the DashDeals coupon codes to thousands of unique members on our platform. Each member is eligible to receive a single code per deal.
  4. Once a member on our platform uses one of these DashDeal coupon codes at your Shopify checkout for a successful sale → we take a 10% commission of that sale.
  5. This is easily verified by checking DashDeal coupon code usage.

Final Notes: