The next-generation rewards currency.

What is AssetDash?

AssetDash is a market-leading portfolio tracker and rewards program. Members can track their entire portfolio from NFTs to cryptos while earning rewards on AssetDash.

AssetDash is available on iOS, Android, and Web. We recommend using our mobile apps.

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What Are AssetDash Coins?

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The next-generation rewards currency.

AssetDash Coins are an in-app rewards currency that are being used to buy everything from Loot Boxes, to NFTs, to Gaming Items like Fortnite V-Bucks, to Whitelists and can be used to enter epic NFT giveaways in our Super Drops and play Games.

<aside> 📈 Coin Stats since July 2023:

Elements holders receive a multiplier on all their AssetDash Coin distributions.

How Can I Receive AssetDash Coins?

AssetDash Coins are received as a reward for completing in-app actions on AssetDash.

  1. Elements Staking (daily)
  2. Swapping on SuperSwap (every time you swap)
  3. Opening Fortune Cookie (daily)
  4. Completing Learn Courses (daily)
  5. DashDrop Prize (weekly)